
  • Accommodation in 2 or 3 beautiful, quiet houses in the green, just outside of Visoko.

  • Swimming pool & hot tub πŸ˜‰

  • All food, including a few lunches & dinners in town. We will also do some cooking amongst ourselves.

  • Local transport by mini van from & to Sarajevo airport and to all hotspots.

  • Fee & Guidance at Pyramid of the Sun & Tunnels.

  • Our private program of Healing Circles, Singing, Ceremony & Rituals, Meditation, Channeling, Lu Jong (Tibetan Yoga, in the garden) etc.


  • Your flight to Sarajevo (approx €300 from Amsterdam).

  • Souvenirs (there is many crystal shops at the Tunnels 😊)

Price: €1.444 (for 9 days) Because we love all birds, it’s a one-bird price πŸ˜‰



This journey has place for max. 6-7 participants.

If you are interested, please contact me.

Intrigued? Watch this 35 min documentary on the Bosnian Pyramid Complex!


A little more about us 😊:

About Esther (IsEs): Esther sees herself as a bridge between dimensions. As a Channel & ET Healer she works on all layers of your Being. With her Star Family from Sirius B and other star races she brings healing, love, humor and information that can support you in your unique path of growth. In 2023 her Oversoul Isis startedA to download herself into her body, an ongoing process that connects her on a deeper and deeper level with the Divine Feminine within. Esther is grateful to have been guiding many magical journeys to the Bosnian Pyramids, Egypt and Malta. Her way of working is based on equality – we all co create the magic and healing – and she loves to hold space for people to be fully themselves so they can thrive. Words that fit her well are: open, joy, light, multidimensional and presence ✨.

About Marie Marowyn: Marie is a Lightbringer. Her mission is to help people experience heaven on earth. She is a multi-dimensional channel and provides healings, readings, deep healing bodywork and sound healing ceremonies. She likes to work with zero point energy and pure sources of unconditional love such as Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. Also with the goddesses Isis and Sekhmet who are so linked to Egyptian pyramids. She is pleased that the connecting field between all power places on earth is becoming increasingly stronger and lovingly contributes her energetic part to this. In Bosnia she likes to make contact with the various magical creatures on the spot. Her cosmic talent for languages ​​and multi-dimensional singing strengthen her work. Words that resonate with her are: compassion, humor, lightness, courage and deep presence. ✨

Journey to Bosnia May 2025

23-31 May 2025

Will you join us on this amazing 9-Day MultiD Journey to the Bosnian Pyramid Complex in Visoko?

The Bosnian Pyramids are the oldest and largest pyramids found on Earth thus far, a true power place that is awakening more and more..! We cannot wait to take you there, our 14th journey there till now 😊.


  • An Upgrade for your Body

  • Soul Food for your Spirit

  • Connecting with Mother Earth, the Schumann Resonance and other Dimensions..!

These are the hotspots of the Complex we aim to be visiting (also depending on the weather and flow of the process):

  • Pyramid of the Sun

  • Pyramid of the Moon

  • Pyramid of the Dragon

  • Pyramid of Love

  • Tumulus

  • and of course… The Ravne Tunnels & Park!

Every day we will meditate, chant, drum, do healing work for ourselves and of course for Mother Earth. Everywhere we go I will channel the multidimensional beings for you who live in the complex. And of course our multiD daughter STAR will join us and sing with/for us the most beautiful heartfelt little lyrics… ❀

It is such an amazing place… Every day will be another magical surprise.. 😍!