
A Reading gives you insights about yourself and can shed light on a specific situation in your life. It is communication from soul to soul. I give words to that communication through my intuition. It is an experience that is difficult to explain. Your entire energy system is brought as much as possible to the here and now and you will certainly notice something.

I am going to look at where you are in your life at the moment and what you are discovering and learning on a soul level. I can also often say something about the background of the situation.

I also look at your soul's longing for the future and read your energy without judgment and do not give advice, so that you can regain clarity about yourself regarding this theme and take ownership over it. A Reading is a great opportunity to pause for a moment, to face it, to adjust, to process things within yourself on a deeper level.


A Healing helps to release what is not yours or what no longer suits you. It helps you recharge and rebalance your energy.

Healing is a wordless communication, from soul to soul. I usually tell you afterwards what I saw and you can also give some words about what you experienced, if you want. You often experience a change in your state of mind. Many people feel refreshed after a healing. They experience more peace and clarity in their heads, more relaxation in their bodies or they feel energetic and happy. Can be performed remotely.

You often get inspired to do things differently in your life, more from your natural flow instead of from your head. This session releases a lot of life energy that you can use again for what you really find important, what your heart desires. Can be done remotely.