Discover the healing power of frequencies

Golden Frequencies Healing offers different ways to help upgrade the frequencies in your body and energy system. Sound healing, energy healing, reading, massage and frequency therapy.

Healing takes place in our body and system when it resonates with the correct frequencies. Healing is not a state of perfection but an ongoing process. We are already whole, we don't have to do anything or let go of anything to be perfectly fine as we are. As a soul we would like to free our selves from programming and be in the here and the now. To acknowledge this in our selves offers opportunities for healing. I would Love to assist you on this path!

About me

I have over 20 years of experience with intuitive coaching and reading, transformational healing and a fusion of various massage styles. I flow with the wisdom of your body and soul. Since 3 years I'm focusing on sound and frequency healing and ET healing.

Trainings I have completed at the Center for Life and Intuition (Centrum voor Leven en Intuïtie in Utrecht) include: basic training, healing training, reading training, reading special training, women's reading training (three times), birth reading training and life & death reading training and countless individual courses with all kinds of themes. I also worked as an assistant for many years and managed many groups.

Massage courses I have completed the Chair Massage course with Edwin Ransijn, Esoterra and Touch Pro Europe. I also followed Classical massage with Anand, I shadowed physiotherapists at ENRGY, I trained myself in deep tissue massage and scraping techniques and I learned a lot during my intervision sessions at Quadrivas Massage, a very special and intensive Vietnamese massage therapy. During the healings I naturally let myself be guided by my hands. I am supported by my team of guides. The combination of a firm massage style and deep healing techniques makes my approach unique.

I followed a Shamanic Year Training with Thea Lucia Klinefelter in 2019, where we followed the 13 original clan mothers based on the book with the same title by Jamie Sams.

I followed the Sound Healing Practitioner training with Zelday Karssen in 2022 and I weave the knowledge I gained there into my sessions.

In my practice I also use beautiful high-quality frequency equipment that is manufactured in the Netherlands based on the inventions and technology of Nikola Tesla, Georges Lakhovsky and Raymond Rife.

During my many trips to Egypt and in deep connection with the Ancient Egyptian field, I have received initiations to work with the soft and powerful energies of Mary Magdalene, Isis, Sekhmet and other pure sources of energy that come directly from unity consciousness. In other words, the zero point energy field.

The Priestess Clothing & Jewelry pieces you see on my website are made by a dear friend I met in Egypt. I am a proud ambassador of these beautiful coded pieces. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing so I can make sure she'll give you a nice discount. Check the Pricing page for more info.

I welcome you to join me on a gentle or intense journey to the core of your own being and through your body, which indicates your true pace and embodies your wisdom.

With Love, Marie Marowyn

"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla

In March the first official single from the Sound Mystics was released on all channels. We are now working on a whole album in the same vibe. Send an email to info{at} if you want to be kept posted on this. For some more information, you might also check out the Music & Albums page.